A Puppet Opera, Part 1, 2018

Organized by Boris Bezemer, Boyan Montero, and Karin Iturralde Nurnberg
Composition: Boris Bezemer
Performers: The Nieuw Ensemble, Josefina Anjou, Emma Nantermoz-Benoit, Nicholas Hallman, Sara Milio, Boyan Montero, Karin Iturralde Nurnberg
Conductor: Ryan Bancroft
Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ – Amsterdam, NL
Stills from video by Simon Knighton
Commission: Nieuw Ensemble

The performance in A Puppet Opera, Part 1 is essentially an interactive play between audience and orchestra. Just like some members of the audience, the musicians are instructed to engage in various activities such as whispering, drinking water and taking pictures. This intentional breaking of the traditional boundaries between the audience and the orchestra creates a shared experience and involvement in the same play.

By allowing the musicians to partake in activities beyond their musical performance, a sense of camaraderie and collaboration is fostered between the audience and the orchestra. The strict distance that typically separates the two entities dissolves, and they become equal participants in the unfolding of the performance.
