The Mountain
for ensemble
6 minutes
Bass Clarinet
Seaboard with SuperCollider
Seaboard with SuperCollider:
The electronic sound is generated by a digital instrument programmed in SuperCollider that re-combines a bank of samples into streams of sound. It can be played expressively in real-time and works responsively with hyper-sensitive musical interfaces such as the ROLI Seaboard.
Mater is an electroacoustic instrument setup where a variety of materials are amplified using contact microphones and digitally processed.
Composed with support of the Performing Arts Fund NL
Performed by:
Ensemble Resilience
Natalie Kulina – Violin
Marco Danesi – Bass Clarinet
Paolo Gorini – Seaboard with SuperCollider
Tomek Szczepaniak – Mater
Performed at:
Festival Dag in de Branding, Korzo Theater – The Hague, The Netherlands
Video by Eric de Clercq